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You may also receive job recommendations by email or SMS.</p><br><p>By pressing \u201cI Agree\u201d:</p><p>I am providing my consent to have Albemarle use the information I submit for recruitment purposes including matching me with potential job opportunities for which I may be qualified. I understand and consent to have my information processed by Albemarle and its business partners using automated tools, including artificial intelligence tools, for recruitment purposes, and supporting the evaluation and vetting process. I understand that my information may be used to train AI models, including those operated by our business partners. I authorize Albemarle\u2019s talent attraction team to contact me via SMS related to job openings. I understand I may opt out of such contact at any time by replying to the message. I understand that my information will be used as described here and in our <a href=\"https://www.albemarle.com/global/en/privacy-policy#:~:text=We%20may%20combine%20the%20information,data%2C%20as%20permitted%20by%20law\"target=\"_blank\" >Privacy Policy</a>.</p><p>To opt out of the above, you may submit your application materials to <a href=\"mailto:Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com?subject=Privacy Inquiry\"rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com</a>.</br> In some jurisdictions you can withdraw this consent. To do so, please contact the email address listed above.</p>", "privacy_consent": "Privacy Consent"}, "es": {"privacy_text": "<p>Al cargar su curr\u00edculum vitae, le presentamos recomendaciones de laborales. Tambi\u00e9n puede recibir recomendaciones laborales por correo electr\u00f3nico o mensajes de texto.</p><br><p> Al presionar \u201cAcepto\u201d:</p><p>Otorgo mi consentimiento para que Albemarle use la informaci\u00f3n que env\u00edo con fines de reclutamiento, lo que incluye presentarme posibles oportunidades laborales para las que pueda estar calificado. Comprendo y otorgo mi consentimiento para que Albemarle y sus socios comerciales traten mi informaci\u00f3n usando herramientas automatizadas, incluidas herramientas de inteligencia artificial, con fines de reclutamiento y para respaldar el proceso de evaluaci\u00f3n y selecci\u00f3n. Comprendo que mi informaci\u00f3n puede usarse para capacitar modelos de inteligencia artificial (IA), incluidos aquellos operados por nuestros socios comerciales. Autorizo al equipo de atracci\u00f3n de talentos de Albemarle a comunicarse conmigo a trav\u00e9s de mensajes de texto en relaci\u00f3n con vacantes laborales. Comprendo que puedo optar por no recibir dicho contacto en cualquier momento respondiendo al mensaje. Comprendo que mi informaci\u00f3n se usar\u00e1 como se describe aqu\u00ed y en nuestra <a href=\"https://www.albemarlelitio.cl/privacy-policy\"target=\"_blank\" >Pol\u00edtica de privacidad</a>.</p><p>Para excluirse de lo anterior, puede enviar los materiales de su solicitud a <a href=\"mailto:Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com?subject=Privacy Inquiry\"rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com</a>.</br> En algunas jurisdicciones, puede revocar dicho consentimiento. Para hacerlo, comun\u00edquese con la direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico indicada anteriormente.</p>", "privacy_consent": "Consentimiento de privacidad"}, "de": {"privacy_text": "<p>Wenn Sie Ihren Lebenslauf hochladen, geben wir Ihnen Stellenempfehlungen. Sie k\u00f6nnen Stellenempfehlungen auch per E-Mail oder SMS erhalten.</p><br><p>Durch Anklicken der Schaltfl\u00e4che \u201eStimme zu\u201c:</p><p>Ich erteile meine Einwilligung dazu, dass Albemarle die von mir \u00fcbermittelten Daten f\u00fcr Rekrutierungszwecke nutzt, einschlie\u00dflich des Abgleichs mit potenziellen Stellenangeboten, f\u00fcr die ich qualifiziert sein k\u00f6nnte. Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass meine Daten von Albemarle und seinen Gesch\u00e4ftspartnern unter Verwendung automatisierter Tools, einschlie\u00dflich Tools der k\u00fcnstlichen Intelligenz, zu Einstellungszwecken und zur Unterst\u00fctzung des Bewertungs- und \u00dcberpr\u00fcfungsprozesses verarbeitet werden. Ich verstehe, dass meine Daten zur Schulung von KI-Modellen verwendet werden k\u00f6nnen, einschlie\u00dflich derer, die von unseren Gesch\u00e4ftspartnern betrieben werden. Ich erlaube dem Talentattraktionsmannschaft von Albemarle, mich per SMS \u00fcber offene Stellen zu kontaktieren. Ich verstehe, dass ich mich jederzeit von einer solchen Kontaktaufnahme abmelden kann, indem ich auf die Nachricht antworte. Ich verstehe, dass meine Daten wie hier und in unserer <a href=\"https://www.albemarle.de/privacy-policy\"target=\"_blank\">Datenschutzrichtlinie</a> beschrieben genutzt werden.</p><p>Um das Vorstehende abzulehnen, k\u00f6nnen Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen an den <a href=\"mailto:Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com?subject=Privacy Inquiry\"rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com</a> senden.</br> In einigen Rechtsordnungen k\u00f6nnen Sie diese Einwilligung widerrufen. Wenden Sie sich dazu bitte an die vorstehend angegebene E-Mail-Adresse.</p>", "privacy_consent": "Datenschutzrechtliche Einwilligung"}, "nl": {"privacy_text": "<p>Wanneer u uw cv uploadt, ontvangt u van ons aanbevelingen voor vacatures. U kunt ook aanbevelingen voor vacatures ontvangen via e-mail of sms.</p><br><p>Door op \u201cIk ben ermee eens\u201d te drukken:</p><p>Geef ik toestemming aan Albemarle om de informatie die ik indien te gebruiken voor wervingsdoeleinden, inclusief het koppelen van mij aan potenti\u00eble vacatures waarvoor ik mogelijk gekwalificeerd ben. Begrijp ik en stem ik ermee in dat mijn informatie door Albemarle en haar zakenpartners wordt verwerkt met behulp van geautomatiseerde tools, waaronder tools voor kunstmatige intelligentie, voor wervingsdoeleinden en ter ondersteuning van het evaluatie- en doorlichtingsproces. Begrijp ik dat mijn informatie kan worden gebruikt om AI-modellen op te leiden, inclusief die van onze zakenpartners. Geef ik het talent-wervingsteam van Albemarle toestemming om via sms contact met mij op te nemen in verband met vacatures. Begrijp ik dat ik me op elk moment kan afmelden voor dergelijk contact door het bericht te beantwoorden. Begrijp ik dat mijn informatie zal worden gebruikt zoals hier en in ons <a href=\"https://ketjen.com/nl/privacy-beleid\"target=\"_blank\" >Privacybeleid</a> beschreven.</p><p>Om u af te melden voor het bovenstaande, kunt u uw sollicitatiegegevens indienen bij <a href=\"mailto:Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com?subject=Privacy Inquiry\"rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com</a>.</br> In sommige rechtsgebieden kunt u deze toestemming intrekken. Neem hiervoor contact op via het bovenstaande e-mailadres.</p>", "privacy_consent": "Privacytoestemming"}, "hu": {"privacy_text": "<p>Amikor felt\u00f6lti az \u00f6n\u00e9letrajz\u00e1t, \u00e1ll\u00e1saj\u00e1nlatokat adunk \u00d6nnek. Az \u00e1ll\u00e1saj\u00e1nlatokat e-mailben vagy SMS-ben is megkaphatja.</p><br><p>Az \u201eElfogadom\u201d gomb megnyom\u00e1s\u00e1val:</p><p>Hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rulok ahhoz, hogy az Albemarle felhaszn\u00e1lja az \u00e1ltalam bek\u00fcld\u00f6tt inform\u00e1ci\u00f3kat toborz\u00e1si c\u00e9lokra, bele\u00e9rtve azon potenci\u00e1lis \u00e1ll\u00e1slehet\u0151s\u00e9gek \u00f6sszev\u00e1logat\u00e1s\u00e1t, amelyekre alkalmas lehetek. Meg\u00e9rtettem \u00e9s hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rulok ahhoz, hogy az Albemarle \u00e9s \u00fczleti partnerei automatiz\u00e1lt eszk\u00f6z\u00f6kkel, t\u00f6bbek k\u00f6z\u00f6tt mesters\u00e9ges intelligencia eszk\u00f6z\u00f6kkel kezelj\u00e9k az adataimat toborz\u00e1si c\u00e9lokb\u00f3l, valamint az \u00e9rt\u00e9kel\u00e9si \u00e9s \u00e1tvil\u00e1g\u00edt\u00e1si folyamat t\u00e1mogat\u00e1sa \u00e9rdek\u00e9ben. Meg\u00e9rtettem, hogy az adataimat felhaszn\u00e1lhatj\u00e1k mesters\u00e9ges intelligenci\u00e1val kapcsolatos modellek k\u00e9pz\u00e9s\u00e9hez, bele\u00e9rtve az \u00fczleti partnereink \u00e1ltal m\u0171k\u00f6dtetett modelleket is. Meghatalmazom az Albemarle tehets\u00e9gvonz\u00f3 csapat\u00e1t, hogy SMS-ben keressenek meg az \u00e1ll\u00e1saj\u00e1nlatokkal kapcsolatban. Tudom\u00e1sul veszem, hogy az \u00fczenetre v\u00e1laszolva b\u00e1rmikor leiratkozhatok az ilyen kapcsolatfelv\u00e9telr\u0151l. Meg\u00e9rtettem, hogy az adataimat az itt \u00e9s az <a href=\"https://www.albemarle.hu/privacy-policy\"target=\"_blank\" >Adatv\u00e9delmi szab\u00e1lyzatban</a> le\u00edrtak szerint fogj\u00e1k felhaszn\u00e1lni.</p><p>Ha nem k\u00edv\u00e1n a fentiekkel \u00e9lni, a jelentkez\u00e9si anyagokat az <a href=\"mailto:Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com?subject=Privacy Inquiry\"rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com</a> c\u00edmre is beny\u00fajthatja. Egyes joghat\u00f3s\u00e1gokban \u00d6n visszavonhatja ezt a hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1st. Ehhez k\u00e9rj\u00fck, \u00edrjon a fent megadott e-mail-c\u00edmre.</p>", "privacy_consent": "Adatv\u00e9delmi hozz\u00e1j\u00e1rul\u00e1s"}}}, "footer": {"privacyPolicyLink": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "browseJobsText": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "aboutMarketplaceText": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "aboutMarketplaceLink": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "aboutCompanyText": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "aboutCompanyLink": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "contactUsText": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "contactUsLink": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "copyrightText": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "privacyPolicyText": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "termsOfServiceText": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/", "termsOfServiceLink": "https://careers.Acme.com/privacy-cookies/"}, "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "homePageHeroBanner": {"opacity": 1, "hideInMobileView": true, "background": "white"}, "navBar": {"color": "#ffffff", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/albemarle/1731393235::Image123.png", "link": "http://albemarle.com", "background": "#0f4170", "opacity": 1}, "privacyLink": "https://www.albemarle.com/global/privacy-policy", "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Welcome to {company_name}'s Career Center", "subtitle": "Streamline your search by uploading your resume to be matched with positions that best suit your qualifications.", "disclaimer": "**Uploading a resume is not a formal application for employment**"}, "custom_style": {"css": ".nav-item a { color: #fff !important;} .refer .user-name { color: #fff !important; } .fixed-top { background-color: #000 !important; } .position-job-description .block__field--wide-rich-text { width: inherit !important; }.hero-image {background-size: cover !important;font-weight: bold;padding: 50px;position: relative;text-align: center;width: 100%;height: 0px !important;}.navbar {padding: 36px 25px;}.all-positions-header h1 {font-size: 45px !important;}.candidate-login-link {font-size: 22px !important;}.join-tn-link, .custom-navbar-item {font-size: 22px !important;}.ef-dropdown.language-dropdown {font-size: 22px !important;}.add-to-job-cart-button {color: #ffffff !important; border-color: #039C8B !important;}.btn-secondary, .btn-secondary:hover, .btn-secondary:focus, .btn-secondary:active, .btn-secondary.active, .open .dropdown-toggle.btn-secondary, .btn-secondary:active:focus, .btn-secondary:active:hover, .btn-secondary.active:hover, .btn-secondary.active:focus {color: #039C8B !important; border-color: #039C8B !important;} .element.style {background: #039C8B;} .go-button {color: #FFFFFF; background: #11487A;}.navbar {padding: 36px 25px;}.all-positions-header h1 {font-size: 38px !important;}.candidate-login-link {font-size: 22px !important;}.join-tn-link, .custom-navbar-item {font-size: 22px !important;}.ef-dropdown.language-dropdown {font-size: 22px !important;}.personalization-bar-pre-upload {background-color: #e6f5f3;;color: #11487A;}.personalization-bar-pre-upload {background-color: #e6f5f3;color: #11487A;}a {\n color: #337ab7 !important;\n text-decoration: none;\n}:root {--primary-color-10: #EBFDFF;--primary-color-20: #B0F3FE;--primary-color-30: #7BE4F4;--primary-color-40: #50CEE1;--primary-color-50: #2DB3C7;--primary-color-60: #1999AC;--primary-color-70: #146da6;--primary-color-80: #025966;--primary-color-90: #00333B;--primary-color-100: #00090A;--primary-color: #025966;}:root {--primary-color-10: #EBFDFF;--primary-color-20: #B0F3FE;--primary-color-30: #7BE4F4;--primary-color-40: #50CEE1;--primary-color-50: #2DB3C7;--primary-color-60: #1999AC;--primary-color-70: #146da6;--primary-color-80: #025966;--primary-color-90: #00333B;--primary-color-100: #00090A;--primary-color: #025966;}element.style {background: #039C8B;}.position-apply-button:hover, .position-apply-button:active, .position-apply-button:focus {color: #ffffff !important;background-color: #11487A !important;}.position-apply-button {background: #039C8B}.add-to-job-cart-button {color: #039C8B !important;border-color: #039C8B !important;}.position-card .position-title {color: #039C8B;}.btn {border-radius: 4px;}.search-results-main-container .position-cards-container .card-selected {border-left: 8px solid #039C8B;}.btn-group, .btn {border-radius: 4px !important;}.tag-pills_jIbLtmX.orange_QyD91PU {bg: #e6f5f3;label: #000;}", "font": "Lemance"}, "page_image": "", "max_applications_refer": 0, "max_applications_apply": 20, "redesignedNuxConfig": {"personalizationBarIcon": {"color": "#096D5C"}, "backgroundImage": "s://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/nux-background.png"}, "applyButton": {"background": "#039C8B"}, "defaultState": {"pymww": false}, "privacy": {"title": "Consentimiento de privacidad", "button": "I agree", "text": "<p>Al cargar su curr\u00edculum vitae, le presentamos recomendaciones de laborales. Tambi\u00e9n puede recibir recomendaciones laborales por correo electr\u00f3nico o mensajes de texto.</p><br><p> Al presionar \u201cAcepto\u201d:</p><p>Otorgo mi consentimiento para que Albemarle use la informaci\u00f3n que env\u00edo con fines de reclutamiento, lo que incluye presentarme posibles oportunidades laborales para las que pueda estar calificado. Comprendo y otorgo mi consentimiento para que Albemarle y sus socios comerciales traten mi informaci\u00f3n usando herramientas automatizadas, incluidas herramientas de inteligencia artificial, con fines de reclutamiento y para respaldar el proceso de evaluaci\u00f3n y selecci\u00f3n. Comprendo que mi informaci\u00f3n puede usarse para capacitar modelos de inteligencia artificial (IA), incluidos aquellos operados por nuestros socios comerciales. Autorizo al equipo de atracci\u00f3n de talentos de Albemarle a comunicarse conmigo a trav\u00e9s de mensajes de texto en relaci\u00f3n con vacantes laborales. Comprendo que puedo optar por no recibir dicho contacto en cualquier momento respondiendo al mensaje. Comprendo que mi informaci\u00f3n se usar\u00e1 como se describe aqu\u00ed y en nuestra <a href=\"https://www.albemarlelitio.cl/privacy-policy\"target=\"_blank\" >Pol\u00edtica de privacidad</a>.</p><p>Para excluirse de lo anterior, puede enviar los materiales de su solicitud a <a href=\"mailto:Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com?subject=Privacy Inquiry\"rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">Albemarle.Talent.Attraction@Albemarle.com</a>.</br> En algunas jurisdicciones, puede revocar dicho consentimiento. Para hacerlo, comun\u00edquese con la direcci\u00f3n de correo electr\u00f3nico indicada anteriormente.</p>"}, "talentNetworkBranding": {"custom_style": {"font": "Lemanance"}}, "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/albemarle/1727883597::albemarle\u00b4s+favicon.png"}, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "companyName": "Albemarle", "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 1099537930894, "name": "Millwright", "location": "Pasadena, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Pasadena, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Manufacturing", "business_unit": "Catalyst", "t_update": 1733356800, "t_create": 1733356800, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27265", "display_job_id": "REQ-27265", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27265-es", "job_description": "So are we. When you join the Ketjen team, you contribute to a better tomorrow. You will play a role in powering many of the world's largest and most critical industries, from energy and communications to transportation and electronics. We are putting innovation to work to improve people's lives and we want YOU to be a part of it. Ketjen Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Albemarle Corporation, is seeking a Maintenance Millwright to work at our Bayport Facility (Pasadena, TX). Experience in safe in-plant maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment. Safe maintenance and repair of mechanical rotating equipment Proper handling and installation of mechanical seals Interpretation of mechanical designs and maintenance manuals Use of a wide variety of hand, portable, and stationary power tools Demonstrate root cause analysis approach to failures and generate reports accordingly. Working knowledge of both pump and reactor functions Working knowledge of hydraulic pumps, motors, and actuators Working knowledge of correct alignment procedures Working knowledge of the purpose and installation of mechanical seals Working knowledge of lubrication best practices", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099537930894", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 1099538084479, "name": "Category Manager, IT Services", "location": "Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America", "locations": ["Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Supply Chain", "business_unit": "Corporate", "t_update": 1733270400, "t_create": 1733270400, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27251", "display_job_id": "REQ-27251", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27251-es", "job_description": "Work with key business stakeholders to set category strategy for the fiscal year and beyond (1-3 year timeframe) to manage key supplier relationships and/or projects to drive business value. Achieve and report cost savings as well as track other category improvements related to sourcing activities including but not limited to company wide sustainability goals. Leverage spend and negotiate to achieve the best TCO for the business. Partner with Procurement Analysts to complete detailed spend analysis by category or subject matter to understand and manage complex areas of spend. Work with key functions such as Legal, HR, and Finance and business unit stakeholders to ensure that sourcing activities comply with applicable company policies and guidelines. Drive both global and regional RFI/RFQ/RFP projects as part of the organization's competitive bidding strategy including vendor evaluation, selection and implementation activities through the use of Procurement technology platforms. Cross functional coordination to manage supplier relationships to mitigate risk and to ensure consistency of value and quality to the business. Work with Supply Chain Center of Excellence to drive and support adoption of Procurement processes, procedures, and technology. Maintain up-to-date knowledge of sourcing, category best practices, and applicable market data. Drive and roll-out Procurement, Category Management, Supplier Relationship best practices across Regional Procurement Service teams. Create and maintain category councils across multiple business units and teams. Experience understanding category management frameworks and supplier relationship management Proficient to conduct external and internal business in other languages such as Spanish/German/Chinese. Experience in Procurement spend data management and sourcing/contracting tools a plus", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099538084479", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 1099537907196, "name": "Operator", "location": "Magnolia, Arkansas, United States of America", "locations": ["Magnolia, Arkansas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Manufacturing", "business_unit": "Specialties", "t_update": 1733184000, "t_create": 1733184000, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27244", "display_job_id": "REQ-27244", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27244-es", "job_description": "Be an essential element to a brighter future. We work together to transform essential resources into critical ingredients for mobility, energy, connectivity and health. Join our values-led organization committed to building a more resilient world with people and planet in mind. Our core values are the foundation that make us successful for ourselves, our customers and the planet. Job Description Albemarle is hiring for multiple Operators. This position is on-site at our Magnolia, AR plant location. What You Will Do Follow all safety rules, policies, and procedures. Demonstrate safe work practices and philosophy in operations environment. Receives and follows general work instructions orally, from emails, data files and/or from log sheets. Monitors gauges and recording instruments and adjusts valves and controls to regulate temperatures, pressures, concentration of solutions and flow of chemicals through the process systems for prescribed reaction within critical limits, according to log sheets, procedures, and based on prior experience with equipment/process. Monitor equipment for possible PM/PD (preventative maintenance/predictive maintenance) routine repair and interface with Area maintenance on maintenance needs. Perform minor maintenance and assist in unloading raw materials, and general cleanup work. Transfers materials from one container to another. Moves finished products to tank farm and loads bulk products into transportation containers. Assure that company and plant policies and procedures are followed. Write safe work, hot work, line opening, and confined space permits. Provides instruction and OJT to less experienced operators and trainees who assist in processing operations. Ability and willingness to work weekends, holidays, and 12-hour rotating shift. Be willing to work on nonscheduled shifts (aka callouts) or working beyond your 12-hour rotating shift up to 16-hours on a non-routine basis. Willingness to serve on Emergency Response Teams (Fire brigade, Rescue, EMT, Hazmat) Be aware of the quality policies, quality objectives, and how you contribute to them. Employees are required to follow and support the requirements of our quality management system. Other duties as assigned. Assessment Requirements: Successful completion of a pre-employment assessment is required. Successful completion of mechanical skills assessment What You Bring Required: Have a high school diploma/GED. Strong mechanical aptitude which includes working knowledge in pumps, valves, and/or gauges. Good problem-solving and basic process troubleshooting skills. Have good oral and written communication skills, basic math, computer, and electronic skills. Be a team player and willing to work independently. It'd be great if you also had: Associate degree in Process Technology and/or Industrial Technology, Bachelor's degree in Industrial Technology (or related technical fields), or other related technical college degree Experience working in a chemical/refinery manufacturing environment. Prior experience as an Operator or Technician Physical Requirements: Ability to work in varying degrees of heat and cold weather conditions. Ability to work in confined spaces, tight spaces, high places and wear respiratory protection and required personal protective equipment (PPE) including slicker suit, when necessary. Ability to lift 25-50 pounds frequently, 50-100 pounds occasionally with necessary assistance. Ability to climb stairs and ladders frequently. Ability to work from elevated surfaces. Note: Please note that upon hire this role requires successful completion of an Albemarle led Operator School training program to continue employment. Successful completion includes written and field assessments. Magnolia site employees should be aware of both the Albemarle Magnolia Site Quality Policy and the Albemarle Magnolia Site Quality Objectives plus understand how their role contributes to each. Employees are required to follow and support the requirements of our quality management system which is available on the ISO Sync site and can be accessed through Albert by all site workers. Benefits of Joining Albemarle Competitive compensation Comprehensive benefits package A diverse array of resources to support you professionally and personally. We are partners to one another in pioneering new ways to be better for ourselves, our teams, and our communities. When you join Albemarle, you become our most essential element and you can anticipate competitive compensation, a comprehensive benefits package, and resources that foster your well-being and fuel your personal growth. Help us shape the future, build with purpose and grow together.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099537907196", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 1099537889560, "name": "Global Leader of HR Data & Analytics", "location": "Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America", "locations": ["Charlotte, North Carolina, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Data Analytics/Warehousing & Business Intelligence", "business_unit": "Corporate", "t_update": 1732147200, "t_create": 1732147200, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27171", "display_job_id": "REQ-27171", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27171-es", "job_description": "Be an essential element to a brighter future. We work together to transform essential resources into critical ingredients for mobility, energy, connectivity and health. Join our values-led organization committed to building a more resilient world with people and planet in mind. Our core values are the foundation that make us successful for ourselves, our customers and the planet. Job Description Albemarle is hiring for a Global Leader of HR Data & Analytics. This position is hybrid and located in Charlotte, NC. The HR Data & Analytics Leader will elevate and integrate our existing HR reporting and data analytics capability to translate workforce data into actionable insights used to inform workforce decisions. Reporting to the VP, HR Transformation, the HR Data and Analytics Leader will collaborate across the organization to understand business objectives and deliver tangible data solutions that advise workforce decisions and strategies. As part of our recently announced HR Transformation, this critical leader will develop and evolve standardized workforce metrics and ensure an accurate and real-time \u201csingle source of truth\u201d for all workforce and reporting data. This role will require a visionary leader who can identify opportunities for automation and self-service and empower the business with fast access to accurate data. What You Will Do Lead the HR Data Analytics team in the design, development, and implementation of HR analytics solutions. Collaborate with HR leaders and business partners to identify key metrics and develop dashboards and reports that provide actionable insights. Utilize advanced statistical methods, human capital intelligence, and data visualization techniques to analyze HR data and identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Drive the development of predictive models to support workforce planning, talent acquisition, employee listening, diversity and retention strategies. Ensure data integrity and accuracy by establishing and maintaining robust data governance practices. Provide thought leadership on the use of HR analytics, human capital intelligence, and data science to drive business outcomes and support strategic initiatives. Build buy-in with business leaders and stakeholders to adopt and utilize automated solutions, demonstrating the value and impact of these technologies. Mentor and develop team members, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Stay current with industry trends and best practices in HR analytics, human capital intelligence, and data science. What You Bring Required: Bachelor's degree in Human Resources, Data Science, Statistics, or a related field; advanced degree preferred. Minimum of 10 years of experience in HR analytics, data science, or a related field, with at least 5 years in a leadership role. Strong proficiency in data analysis tools and software, such as SQL, R, Python, and data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI. Expertise in leveraging data from Workday to enhance HR analytics and decision-making. Proven experience in developing and implementing HR analytics strategies that drive business results. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to translate complex data insights into actionable recommendations for non-technical stakeholders. Strong project management skills and the ability to manage multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. Demonstrated ability to lead and inspire a team, fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment. It'd be great if you also had: Masters Degree Preferred Benefits of Joining Albemarle Competitive compensation Comprehensive benefits package A diverse array of resources to support you professionally and personally. We are partners to one another in pioneering new ways to be better for ourselves, our teams, and our communities. When you join Albemarle, you become our most essential element and you can anticipate competitive compensation, a comprehensive benefits package, and resources that foster your well-being and fuel your personal growth. Help us shape the future, build with purpose and grow together.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099537889560", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 1099537915506, "name": "Project Procurement Manager", "location": "Silver Peak, Nevada, United States of America", "locations": ["Silver Peak, Nevada, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Supply Chain", "business_unit": "Corporate", "t_update": 1732147200, "t_create": 1732147200, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27175", "display_job_id": "REQ-27175", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27175-es", "job_description": "Perform procurement related activities for capital project execution including sourcing and contracting management for equipment and materials for projects. Develop a project specific detailed go-to-market project procurement strategy and procurement plan, organize alignment with project team for any updates on the strategy and plan, ensure aligned strategy and working plan are followed. Manage and perform bidder qualification process, get proper approval while following ALB's bidder qualification procedure. Ensure confidentiality agreement in place before bidding activities. Develop project procurement package activities plan, maintain the dynamic plan, and drive the stakeholders to work for procurement to deliver on the plan. Manage to compile technical requests of RfQ and commercial requests into inquiry package, manage issues to the market to bidders from the approved bidder list on project schedule plan. Facilitate technical/commercial reviews, negotiations, contracting, approval workflows. Facilitate execution of capital procure-to-pay processes. Assist in change order management. Responsible for claim and non-conformance management in the project. Perform project procurement close out, capture lessons learned, provide feedback of performance of suppliers after Project completion, proper handover of the Life Cycle Asset Maintenance Data, from project team over to Operations/Maintenance team. Experience in working in collaborative environments is essential. Experience in EPCm contract and project execution management. Demonstrated maturity and increased responsibilities over career. Adaptable, flexible, persuasive, encouraging. Experience with claims and arbitrations a plus. Ability to travel.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099537915506", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 1099537905267, "name": "Chemical Engineer", "location": "Magnolia, Arkansas, United States of America", "locations": ["Magnolia, Arkansas, United States of America", "United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Specialties", "t_update": 1731974400, "t_create": 1731974400, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27161", "display_job_id": "REQ-27161", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27161-es", "job_description": "Manage all PSM systems (MOCs, Incident Reporting, P&IDs, Procedures, PHAs) to ensure compliance Actively support the company's safety, environmental, and quality programs to ensure continuous improvement and support the company's safety, environmental and quality programs to ensure continuous improvements Ensure MOCs proceed through the system in a timely manner Ensure P&IDs are up-to-date Ensure operating procedures are complete and up-to-date Lead RCFA for area issues Ensure incident reports are complete with appropriate root causes and corrective actions Provide technical support towards resolution of process upsets Lead design/implementation of area <$50M capital projects and liaison between Operations Area and corporate engineering on all capital projects Working understanding of OSHA, EPA regulations, and Oil & Gas regulations Monitor technical performance of the Area Resolve technical issues to reach safety, production, and quality targets Ensure all PSM obligations are fulfilled Foster strong cooperation between TR, Engineering, Maintenance, and Operations personnel Provide backup/support to Superintendent and Area Supervisor when needed Provide coaching for Operators and Shift Supervisors Experience providing informal training/guidance of unit operators, Shift Supervisor, and Area Supervisors", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099537905267", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 1099537968143, "name": "Process Safety Engineer", "location": "New Johnsonville, Tennessee, United States of America", "locations": ["New Johnsonville, Tennessee, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Specialties", "t_update": 1731974400, "t_create": 1731974400, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27162", "display_job_id": "REQ-27162", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27162-es", "job_description": "Program development and improvement of the PSM system. Collaboration with maintenance team for improvement and implementation of the mechanical integrity program. Facilitate site Process Hazard Analyses (PHAs) and revalidations for covered processes, including: technical report writing, recommendation documentation and tracking, and potential modeling and calculations identified during the PHA. Coordinate and control the site management of change (MOC) program. Maintain metrics utilizing PowerBI and other visual management tools related to PSM including: PHA schedule, PHA recommendation status, MOC program information, and program maturity improvement. Drive completion of PHA recommendations through site improvements and capital projects, including representing the site's interests during project engineering with internal and external engineering resources. Collaborate with site and Corporate resources on PSM standards. Site compliance auditing and reviews for permit compliance and job safety. Identify and implement process safety improvement opportunities throughout the plant. Maintain and update site Process Safety Information library, including collaboration with operations team to drive the process refresher training program. Provide process safety leadership through participation in site incident reviews and investigations, new project reviews, controls programming, SIS management, and relief design. Other responsibilities as assigned. Experience in managing or direct involvement in a PSM program and PSM regulated operations. Ability to manage and serve on a cross functional team.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099537968143", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 1099537823573, "name": "Maintenance Mechanical Engineer", "location": "Pasadena, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Pasadena, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Catalyst", "t_update": 1731974400, "t_create": 1731974400, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27147", "display_job_id": "REQ-27147", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27147-es", "job_description": "So are we. When you join the Ketjen team, you contribute to a better tomorrow. You will play a role in powering many of the world's largest and most critical industries, from energy and communications to transportation and electronics. We are putting innovation to work to improve people's lives and we want YOU to be a part of it. Ketjen Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Albemarle Corporation, is currently seeking a Maintenance Mechanical Engineer to support our Catalyst Business in Bayport, TX. BS in Mechanical Engineering (BSME). Minimum 5 years of plant maintenance experience. Ability to drive safety culture throughout the organization. Ability to control repair material and labor costs within a budget and manage spare parts inventory. Capable of maintaining/improving mechanical service factor. Capable of troubleshooting mechanical & process issues. Willingness to recommend and initiate innovative costs saving solutions. General understanding of Albemarle Engineering Standards and Specifications. Strong written and verbal communications skills. Excellent interpersonal skills. Ability to work in confined spaces, high places, and wear required PPE when necessary. Computer skills, particularly Microsoft Office, SAP, Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, PI, and NWA. Strong motivational skills. Ability to influence and manage change. Application of corrective action techniques. Knowledge of quality control procedures. Experience in Root Cause Analysis methods. Familiarity with API and ASME code. Evaluate issues and equipment impacting OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). Identify equipment reliability opportunities and measures of improvement. Develop solutions to mechanical integrity problems by performing root cause analysis. Compare equipment specifications to process applications and requirements. Explore alternative solutions through outside resources and third-party contractors. Develop and maintain professional relationship with fellow employees. Provide maintenance support and insight on large scale engineering projects. Develops preventative maintenance plans based on equipment history (vibration, lubrication, and failures). Explore alternative options (vendors, materials, designs) to reduce direct maintenance costs. Evaluate equipment downtime and maintenance costs to prioritize improvement efforts. Confer with technicians, engineers, production personnel, and managers to resolve maintenance problems. Ensure critical pieces of equipment are adequately spared. Direct third-party efforts related to plant infrastructure repairs. Initiate the Management of Change process flow for changes to the Operating Facility. Uphold site safety standards.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099537823573", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 1099537679908, "name": "Manufacturing Process Engineer III - IV", "location": "Pasadena, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Pasadena, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Manufacturing", "business_unit": "Catalyst", "t_update": 1730937600, "t_create": 1730937600, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27066", "display_job_id": "REQ-27066", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27066-es", "job_description": "So are we. When you join the Ketjen team, you contribute to a better tomorrow. You will play a role in powering many of the world's largest and most critical industries, from energy and communications to transportation and electronics. We are putting innovation to work to improve people's lives and we want YOU to be a part of it. Ketjen Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Albemarle Corporation, is currently seeking an experienced Manufacturing Process Engineer IV to work in the Catalyst Process Engineering Group at our Bayport Facility. This group develops and leads projects for business growth and continuous improvement in refinery catalyst manufacturing. This role has responsibility for the project management of the pre-project (Front-End Engineering) and process engineering aspects of pre-projects (Front-End engineering), project implementation (detailed engineering) and commissioning & start-up in relation to change and expansion projects for all production facilities on site. B.S. or higher degree in Chemical Engineering preferred Minimum 6-8 years experience in an operating plant environment; process design group; or a research and development organization. Solid academic background and work history Excellent command of material and energy balance calculations. Provides specialized knowledge as an expert and experience in the field of process design (Mass and Heat Balance calculations, PFD's and PID development, PHA/EHA, PSV design, CSU). Mastery of process equipment and instrumentation knowledge Working knowledge of basic process economic calculations Proven record of working successfully with personnel at all levels of a manufacturing organization. Demonstrated success in identifying and implementing projects leading to significant improvements in cost, quality, HS&E, capacity or operability. Experience with stage-gate project approach and project management Proven experience leading a project team during the front-end engineering phase Hands on experience in an operating plant Solids handling and processing experience Experience in start-up and commissioning of new process equipment Basic process control knowledge Develop refinery catalyst manufacturing expertise in yourself and others. Provide process design leadership and support for projects Develop and champion initiatives for significant cost, quality, operability and HS&E improvements. Lead a project team in the pre-project phase, responsible for quality, planning and timely delivery. Lead a process design team in larger projects in the design and execution phase of the project, responsible for quality, planning and timely delivery. Providing technical guidance to the team members. Acts as subject matter expert in Process Design to support the organization with standardization, training and coaching.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099537679908", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 1099537682192, "name": "Ketjen Summer 2025 Chemical Engineering (Data) Intern", "location": "Pasadena, Texas, United States of America", "locations": ["Pasadena, Texas, United States of America"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Catalyst", "t_update": 1730937600, "t_create": 1730937600, "ats_job_id": "REQ-27060", "display_job_id": "REQ-27060", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "REQ-27060-es", "job_description": "Seeking graduate students current pursuing a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering or a similar discipline. Desired Cumulative GPA 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale Demonstrates high initiative and drive Strong written and verbal communications skills Prior internship experience a plus Experience with PowerBI and Microsoft Excel Data science/analysis experience is advantageous in the field of energy management and digital automation Data science/analysis as part of their education is beneficial We are looking for a student, preferably Master, who can support our setup of Sustainability data monitoring at the Pasadena plant. At a site level, understanding the manufacturing process to identify Unit-Ops that are the largest energy consumers. At a Unit-Op level, identifying key operational data for the Unit-Op and assess the digitalization-readiness of the unit. Setup of data monitoring using PI tools, and proposal for an energy dashboard to monitor the performance data of the Unit-Op.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://albemarle.eightfold.ai/careers/job/1099537682192", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 36, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": false, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 4.0, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "", "Skills": [], "Department": [], "Workplace Type": [], "Employee Type": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": null, "facetDisplaySort": {"Skills": "count_desc", "Department": "count_desc", "Workplace Type": "count_desc", "Employee Type": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"Skills": {"Chemical Engineering": 8, "SAP": 7, "Troubleshooting": 7, "Repairs": 6, "Commissioning": 5, "Leadership": 5, "Maintenance": 5, "Transportation": 5, "Communication": 4, "Distributed Control Systems": 4, "ELECTR\u00d3NICA": 4, "Forklift Operation and Maintenance": 4, "Mechanics": 4, "Mec\u00e1nica": 4, "Budgeting": 3, "Construction": 3, "Continuous Improvement": 3, "HAZOP": 3, "Instrumentaci\u00f3n": 3, "Manufacturing": 3, "Nuclear Engineering": 3, "Operations": 3, "Optimization Software": 3, "Process Control": 3, "Process Design": 3, "Programmable Logic Controllers": 3, "Project Management": 3, "QU\u00cdMICA": 3, "Reliability": 3, "Root Cause Analysis": 3, "Teamwork": 3, "Transformation": 3, "An\u00e1lisis Qu\u00edmico": 2, "Apoyo": 2, "Apprenticeship": 2, "Change Management": 2, "Coaching": 2, "Data Analysis": 2, "Debottlenecking": 2, "E-Procurement": 2, "Electronics": 2, "Fractionation": 2, "General Business": 2, "Gesti\u00f3n": 2, "Hindi Language": 2, "Human Resources": 2, "Hydraulics": 2, "Hydrocracking": 2, "Hydroprocessing": 2, "Hydrotreating": 2, "INGENIER\u00cdA": 2, "Implementation": 2, "Installation": 2, "Laser Alignment": 2, "Logistics": 2, "Mantenimiento El\u00e9ctrico": 2, "Mantenimiento Preventivo": 2, "Mechanical Engineering": 2, "Metalurgia": 2, "Microsoft Excel": 2, "Miner\u00eda": 2, "Mining": 2, "Monitoring": 2, "Oil Well": 2, "Performance Management": 2, "Permanente": 2, "Plant Maintenance": 2, "Preventive Maintenance": 2, "Problem Solving": 2, "Process Flow Diagram": 2, "Reporting": 2, "Rigging": 2, "Strategic Sourcing": 2, "Strategy": 2, "Support": 2, "Talent Management": 2, "Technical Services": 2, "Technical Support": 2, "Time Management": 2, "Unloading": 2, "Accounts Receivable": 1, "Administration": 1, "Alignment": 1, "Assessments": 1, "Attentiveness": 1, "Auditing": 1, "Automation": 1, "BASE24": 1, "Back Pressure": 1, "Bidding": 1, "Big Data Governance": 1, "Bill of Material Software": 1, "Budgeting and Forecasting": 1, "Business Acumen": 1, "Business Strategy": 1, "Calibration": 1, "Capital Projects": 1, "Category Management": 1, "Centrifugation": 1, "Chemical Technology": 1}, "Department": {"manufacturing": 16, "engineering": 6, "research & development/technology": 3, "sales": 3, "supply chain": 3, "data analytics/warehousing & business intelligence": 1, "health, safety & environment": 1, "human resources": 1, "information technology": 1, "legal": 1}, "Workplace Type": {"onsite": 32, "hybrid": 3, "remote": 1}, "Employee Type": {"regular": 34, "intern": 2}, "locations": {"Remoto": 999999, "Pasadena, TX, United States": 9, "Antofagasta, Antofagasta Region, Chile": 6, "Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands": 5, "Magnolia, AR, United States": 5, "Wellesley, WA, Australia": 3, "Charlotte, NC, United States": 2, "Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates": 1, "Budapest, Hungary": 1, "Houston, TX, United States": 1, "Mumbai, MH, India": 1, "New Johnsonville, TN, United States": 1, "Silver Peak, NV, United States": 1, "United States": 1}}, "isSubQuery": false, "showBusinessUnitInPositionSidebar": false, "hideDepartment": null, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "facetNoTitlecase": null, "skipCSSFacetCapitalization": false, "enableMapClustering": false, "readmoreInstructionEnabled": false, "candidateLogin": {"postApplyReviewLink": {"enabled": true, "url": "/api/apply/v2/profile/review/initialize_user?domain=albemarle.com", "title": "\u00bfQu\u00e9 sigue? \u00a1Aumenta tus posibilidades de ser contratado!", "message": "Saber m\u00e1s sobre ti nos ayuda a revisar tu solicitud m\u00e1s r\u00e1pido. 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